Got a safety question?
PDCC can provide you with relevant and accurate safety information. You can submit your question or concern online at If we don’t have the answer, we will be happy to research your question and provide you with the appropriate information or resource. Our members are also welcomed and encouraged to speak directly to our Safety Director, Sharon Hilke, by calling the PDCC office at 916.972.1055. Sharon is happy to assist you with your safety issues.
Cal/OSHA Enforcement & Compliance
PDCC Safety Consultant Hotline
PDCC has partnered with Christopher Lee to provide Safety Consultation Services to our contractor members. Mr. Lee has a long and distinguished career in workplace safety, most notably as the head of the Enforcement Division of Cal/OSHA. To consult with Christopher Lee, please contact the PDCC office. We will provide you with his contact information and verify your membership and eligibility for free safety consultation services.